A passion for food, with chef and writer Alan Rosenthal

by Joanna Pieters | Follow her on Facebook here
The Times called Alan Rosenthal ‘one of Britain’s top foodies’ for his food columns and recipe books, his brand Stewed! and his work developing food and restaurants for big UK companies. Alan joins Joanna Pieters to talk about creating a life in food that isn’t about being either in an office or a fine-dining kitchen. We explore why it took him so long to have the courage to follow his food passion as a career, and the questions he still has about balancing creativity with making a steady income. We explore the dilemma faced by so many creative people: should you stay in a job that isn’t fulfilling you, or should you follow your passion? And how do you know when the passion is being sucked out of you?
“I’m a real believer that if you start moving in the right circles and pushing the right buttons and start doing what you really should be doing, then things will come to you”
Alan also shares how the sudden shock of losing his father took him away from his own creativity. It’s only now, after several years, he’s finally ready to have the courage and the commitment to follow his passion again.

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