In this first episode, I ask you: how’s your creative life today? Are you in full creative flow, or, if you’re honest, a bit frustrated and stuck?
I take you through the Unstuckness Audit. This is a great tool so that you can work out where there might be some creative blocks in your life, and what small changes you can make to how you do things.
Click here to download your Unstuckness Audit worksheet so you can work out exactly how to release your creative fire.
Often getting stuck isn’t about a lack of ideas, but it’s about having the right structure around us to think creatively about ideas, problem-solving, and doing things differently. I’ll take you through three powerful areas so you can see where you’ve got a great support structure in place, and where it would help you to put some work in.
Thanks for listening!
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I’m Jo – artist, writer, traveller, wild west nut intrigued by science, and renaissance soul with a ridiculous sense of humour. I’ve recovered from thirty years of depression – a medication crisis was the catalyst, I’ve never felt this good – and I’m chronicling the rebuild of my polymath creative lifestyle on my blog Creating My Odyssey.
I’m reaching people with mental health issues, and creatives in general to give encouragement, inspiration and hopefully some enjoyment.
I’ve also been writing a humongous novel forever, on and off, particularly during young parenthood, to help keep me sane. It’s called Alias Jeannie Delaney and it’s the life story of a devastating cowgirl who’s the fastest gun in the west and also bisexual. Since my recovery from depression have decided it’s time to get it out there! I’m blogging about it on my site. I’m principally looking for mentors or critique partners for my novel but I also love contact with other creatives.
If you feel like dropping in that would be brilliant!
Jo UK (wild west website)
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Facebook Creating My Odyssey
Twitter @Clutton_jo