How to get more creative focus, with Future Brain author Dr Jenny Brockis

by Joanna Pieters | Follow her on Facebook here

Get the free download: The Creative’s Distraction Buster: 5 steps to eliminate distraction and work in the best way for your brain, my free instant guide to how you can be more focused and more creative, immediately.


What would you achieve with more focus in your creative life? I’ve invited the terrific Dr Jenny Brockis, author of the bestselling Future Brain, to come and talk how we can boost our creative work by understanding how our brains work and how we use them in our daily life and work.

We have a great conversation, and Jenny shares some fantastic tips and advice. We talk about:

  • The brain difference in creative people, and what that means for focus
  • Why focus is a double-edged sword for creatives, and how to manage it
  • How to get more creative focus in your daily life
  • When you want less focus rather than more (yes, really)
  • The one thing that all of us – creative or not – need to do for our brain health


We also talk about Jenny’s own journey about walking away from a successful medical career with nothing more than an idea that she needed to do something different, and how she used a year of living creatively to build a whole new direction and life.

The Creative’s Distraction Buster 5 steps to beat distraction and work in the best way for your brain

Want more focus and less distraction, right now? Get The Creative’s Distraction Buster, my free instant guide to how you can be more focused and more creative, immediately. Because we creatives don’t work in the same way as the rest of the world, and this is just for you, right now.

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