How to beat self-doubt but stay true to yourself, with illustrator-turned-author Alice Stevenson

by Joanna Pieters | Follow her on Facebook here

Download the notes:  5 lessons in how to take on a creative project well outside your normal creative comfort zone

If you have a dream of expanding your creative work into a new area, but don’t believe it will ever happen, this is the perfect episode for you. Becoming an author hadn’t ever crossed Alice Stevenson’s mind, but after writing two beautiful, reflective, travel books, she’s added a whole new dimension to her work as a successful illustrator.

Alice and I talk about her journey from initial scepticism, through working out to what her book should even be about, to the process of writing it, and, eventually, repeating the process with the second one. Was it easier? No, she says – and we talk about the huge overwhelm of a much more complex second book.

Alice has wonderful advice on pushing beyond your creative comfort zone in a way that’s stretching but manageable.

  • How to know when you’ve got trapped in over-thinking your creative work
  • How fear leads to not being able to focus on any one project
  • Ways to free your creative thinking when anxiety overwhelming you
  • The importance of commitment in a creative process
  • How to separate your ‘sensible’ inner voice from your ‘stressed’ one

We also talk about Alice’s own creative processes that she used to stop self-doubt from overwhelming her, and to keep her creative vision fresh.

Download the free episode resource here on how to take on creative projects outside your comfort zone

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This is a fabulous, encouraging episode about overcoming creative self-doubt and believing in yourself. I love Alice’s gentle, positive energy, and the simplicity with which she approaches her writing.

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