Creative people sometimes get lost. Really lost.
Wolfgang Wild was one of those. He’d spent years flitting between jobs, searching for the fulfilment he could never find.
Then he had a moment of realisation, asking himself a question that he’d asked himself plenty of times. But this time, he was so frustrated, that the answer that came was crazy and impossible. So crazy that he dismissed it.
But it led his to where he is now: the successful, in-demand creative founder of Retronaut, the archive photography blog that became a huge success within weeks of launching, and which has led to all sorts of other projects.
Retronaut wasn’t born out of a grand plan, but a genuine passion. Wolfgang and I talk about:
- Spending years in the creative wilderness, being fired and made redundant, finding endless jobs that seemed to fit his skills but which just didn’t fulfil or satisfy him
- A crucial turning point of a frustrating question, and realising the answer was something so impossible it wasn’t worth even considering, but led to a whole new direction
- How he built Retronaut to a huge global success after a moment of truth in a remainder bookshop
We also talk about the pursuit of happiness, why we can allow ourselves to choose the emotions we want, and Wolfgang’s transformational 6-minute daily practice that allows him to get way more done
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As ever, this isn’t a conventional start-up conversation. We get behind how it feels and the mindset of setting up a successful, creative, commercial, passion-based business.
This is such a great conversation if you’ve ever felt you don’t know what your creative direction should be – from being blocked in your current creative project to wondering if you should be doing something completely different.
Your guide to getting more done
Have you got The Creative’s Distraction Buster yet? Download it for free here – your free guide to making yourself more productive, just for creative brains. (Because we’re kind of different).
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